
19세기 전반의 공가 사회와 古義堂 이토 도호(伊藤東峯)의 교류
The Relationships Between the Court Nobles and Ito Toho of the Kogido School

This paper focuses on the relationships between the Ito family of the Kogido School and the court noble society in the late Edo period. This paper reveals the following points by reviewing Ito Toho (the owner of Kogido in the early 19th century) ’s diary , which was rarely analyzed in previous studies. Ito Toho gave lectures to many of the court’s noble families. The nobles often consulted Toho about work that required knowledge of Chinese writings. Toho himself at the time seems to have valued this relationship with the nobles. Ito Toho was only a commoner, but he quickly grasped information on internal trends in the imperial court. Toho quickly obtained information related to court politics from the nobles working in the imperial palace. Ito Toho maintained close ties with the Takatsukasa family, one of the five regent houses, which transcended relations with other noble families in terms of quantity and quality. During Takatsukasa Masamichi's regency tenure, Toho seems to have played an advisory role in Chinese writings and Chinese history, not just lecturing on Confucian classics. A future task will be to analyze the relationships between Ito Tori, Ito Toho’s predecessor, and the previous era’s court nobles.

著者: 金 炯辰(東京国立博物館)

関連web: Korea Citation Index

出版者: 동국대학교 일본학연구소

掲載誌,書籍: 日本學

2022年 8月 公開

関連研究員(当館): 金 炯辰 
